Family, Dignity

Love and Respect

Casa Rhoda is a family owned residential assisted care provider located in Santa Barbara California. The caregivers, staff, and administrators of Casa Rhoda welcome you to the Casa Rhoda website.

Welcome to Casa Rhoda

A Unique Care Option in Santa Barbara

Casa Rhoda respects the privacy and security of all its residents. The spirit of the love that prevails in all Casa Rhoda homes is best reflected in the contented and graceful expressions of the residents as they receive compassionate care, share memories, enjoy family visits, socialize, savor personalized home cooked meals or participate in special seasonal celebrations.

Now Serving TriCounties Regional Center

Forever Care

The Demonteverde family and the dedicated caregivers at each Casa Rhoda home provide what they call “Forever Care.” The RCFE (Residential Care Facility for Elders) license places some restrictions on who Casa Rhoda may accept as a new resident, but once your loved one comes to a Casa Rhoda home, the Demonteverde family and staff can, at the direction of family and doctors, continue to care for residents through hospice and end of life.

Dental care
Physical therapy
Phlebotomy services
Physicians on-call
Religious services
Massage therapy
Nursing consults
Conceierge Doctors Available. Upon request.
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Caregiving Team

Great attention is paid to selecting caregivers for the Casa Rhoda Homes. Currently, every Casa Rhoda Home is the permanent residence of at least one of the immediate Demonteverde family.


Vergi Bielgo Pascual

Caregiving Professionally 5 Years

Virgi provided care for her mother and father. Virgi says it feels good helping elderly people and works to help her family financially.

Nancy Garcia

Caregiving Professionally 8 Years

Nancy provided care for her mother and father. Nancy finds that working with seniors makes her happy. She enjoys her work.
Merlinda Treyes

Merlinda Treyes

Caregiving Professionally 10 Years

Our Values

The Embrace of Family

Run by two generations of the Demonteverde family, Casa Rhoda residential care homes provide a wholesome, healthy, secure and loving environment for elders who need the support of assisted care and memory-impairment care. Casa Rhoda is all about the embrace of family. Norma and Rudy Demonteverde established their first residential care home in Santa Barbara in 1999. Over the succeeding 16 years, they and their adult children — Rhoda, Norman, John and Don, along with other extended family members — have become leading senior care providers in the community, helping Santa Barbarans with their aging loved ones.

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A Little Of Our Story

Tradition of Caregiving

From the purchase of their first home — Casa Rhoda One — Rudy and Norma have made the well being, safety and health of their residents their top priority. Their unusually personal and loving approach integrated with their family-oriented vocation of caregiving has attracted many in Santa Barbara and throughout the country to entrust their loved ones to the embrace and security of the Casa Rhoda homes.

Today, the Demonteverdes and a team of talented caregivers continue the tradition of family centered assisted and memory impairment care in four residential homes. Three of the four homes are located on the same tree-lined block in a quiet neighborhood. These are the homes where the Demonteverde family lives and where every resident is embraced as family, with dignity, love and respect. Casa Rhoda is unique among the assisted care options available in Santa Barbara for seniors and their families

View Licensing and Qualifications

Our Client Testimonials

My father lived at Casa Rhoda #3 for the last all-most two years of his life. This was by far the best-Assisted Living care home of the four in which he lived in the last seven years of his life

We will be forever thankful that you were such a special part of our lives at a time when we needed support.

Our family has been blessed with your support. We wish you all God's blessings.

We hope that Casa Rhoda will continue to be the "bright ray of sunshine" that you are for all the lives you touch.

Our Properties

A Casa Rhoda 1

341 Santa Rosalia Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

A Casa Rhoda 2

165 Santa Ana Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

A Casa Rhoda 3

126 Santa Ana Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

A Casa Rhoda 4

112 Santa Ana Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93111