The Casa Rhoda Homes

Casa Rhoda works to harmonize each home by grouping residents who are mutually com- patible and who enjoy one another’s company. While one residence is currently home for six women with a beautiful balance of female energy — a loving sisterhood of care and kindness — another is a mix of men and women who are fun loving karaoke singers. Another is dedicated to more specialized care as the residents are less mobile and less able to socialize than their counterparts. Love, kindness, dignity, and a family atmosphere is emphasized and practiced regardless of the unique mix of residents in each Casa Rhoda home.

A Casa Rhoda 1

341 Santa Rosalia Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

A Casa Rhoda 2

165 Santa Ana Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

A Casa Rhoda 3

126 Santa Ana Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

A Casa Rhoda 4

112 Santa Ana Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

Our Client Testimonials

My father lived at Casa Rhoda #3 for the last all-most two years of his life. This was by far the best-Assisted Living care home of the four in which he lived in the last seven years of his life

We will be forever thankful that you were such a special part of our lives at a time when we needed support.

Our family has been blessed with your support. We wish you all God's blessings.

We hope that Casa Rhoda will continue to be the "bright ray of sunshine" that you are for all the lives you touch.