Erna Rivera, the cousin of Norma Demonteverde, is the principal family caregiver.
Virgie, Erna, Judith, Ernesto and two additional caregivers are the secondary caregivers who rotate shifts in the home.
Erna Rivera, the cousin of Norma Demonteverde, is the principal family caregiver.
Virgie, Erna, Judith, Ernesto and two additional caregivers are the secondary caregivers who rotate shifts in the home.
4 private rooms, 1 shared
1 private room available to those who, for health reasons, are confined to bed. Can accommodate hospice patients.
Fruit trees, orchid collection, vegetable garden, gardens front and back, private rooms only, shared bathrooms, back fountain for bird bathing, and Wi-Fi, free cable television in each room, homey kitchen and elegant marble floors in dining and living room.
Emergency pull station in the home and emergency response system in each room, all exit doors have egress alarms. In the event of a fire emergency or need to evacuate the residence, the Fire Department is apprised of status of residents, especially those confined to their bed.
Great attention is paid to selecting caregivers for the Casa Rhoda Homes. Currently, every Casa Rhoda Home is the permanent residence of at least one of the immediate Demonteverde family.