Forever Care

The Demonteverde family and the dedicated caregivers at each Casa Rhoda home provide what they call “Forever Care.” The RCFE (Residential Care Facility for Elders) license places some restrictions on who Casa Rhoda may accept as a new resident, but once your loved one comes to a Casa Rhoda home, the Demonteverde family and staff can, at the direction of family and doctors, continue to care for residents through hospice and end of life.

Special In-home Services

For certain residents, special in-home services are the best way to maintain good health with the least amount of disruption of their daily routines. The Demonteverde family has established relationships with south coast service providers who can meet special medical and social needs for seniors in-home as health conditions change. In-home specialty care options can be a big relief for certain seniors and their families as the worry of transporting residents to and from medical appointments can be disruptive to overall comfort. This commitment to resident comfort is part of Casa Rhoda’s “Forever Care.” These additional professional services provided in our homes include:

  • Dental care
  • Physical therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Phlebotomy services
  • Nursing consults
  • Physicians on-call
  • Religious services

Care That Never Stops

Seniors frequently face changing medical, emotional and physical needs. Every resident at Casa Rhoda will receive a personalized care plan which provides an assessment of the medical, social, and physical needs, and details outlining how these needs will be addressed on a daily basis.

Review and Reassessment

This personal care plan will be available to all care team members that manage and perform the daily care for each resident. Casa Rhoda administrators will supervise the effectiveness and application of the plan. The Demonteverde family and the caregiving staff are personally committed to fulfilling the care plan direction and staff are required to document changes in the residents needs and incorporate those needs into the record. Family members are always encouraged to share their observations and participate in the review of care.

Caregiving Team

Great attention is paid to selecting caregivers for the Casa Rhoda Homes. Currently, every Casa Rhoda Home is the permanent residence of at least one of the immediate Demonteverde family.

Lead Caregivers

Editha (Angel) Blancaflor

Caregiving Professionally 3 Years

Angel provided care for both her mother and father. Angel has worked professionally in hospital settings but considers her work for Casa Rhoda to be an honor.

Nancy Garcia

Caregiving Professionally 8 Years

Nancy provided care for her mother and father. Nancy finds that working with seniors makes her happy. She enjoys her work.

Luz M. Anguaiano

Caregiving Professionally 15 Years

Luz says that she happily took care of her grandmother who lived to be 104! Luz loves providing care for seniors and helping them.

Ying (Filipina) Labuguen

Caregiving Professionally 4 Years

Ying wants to care for elders as a way to “pay forward” for the care of all of us. She changed her career to help seniors.

Our Client Testimonials

My father lived at Casa Rhoda #3 for the last all-most two years of his life. This was by far the best-Assisted Living care home of the four in which he lived in the last seven years of his life

We will be forever thankful that you were such a special part of our lives at a time when we needed support.

Our family has been blessed with your support. We wish you all God's blessings.

We hope that Casa Rhoda will continue to be the "bright ray of sunshine" that you are for all the lives you touch.

Our Properties

Casa Rhoda 1

341 Santa Rosalia Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

Casa Rhoda 2

165 Santa Ana Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

Casa Rhoda 3

126 Santa Ana Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

Casa Rhoda 4

112 Santa Ana Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93111