”"The people at Casa Rhoda make the world a better place. Thank you!"
”"Thank you so much for caring for my father during his last 1 1/2 years. He was truly blessed to have been guided divinely to you. The service you provide to the frail elder is first class. You will be in our hearts forever."
”"Dear Norma, Rhoda, Rudy, Sam, Rey, and staff - Thank you all for everything you did to make my mother's life so wonderful."
”"When I think of you I apply the following: You are Faith, Hope and Charity!"
”"We will be forever thankful that you were such a special part of our lives at a time when we needed support."
”"To all of the friends of Wes at Casa Rhoda, thak you for being so thoughtful and kind and for making Wes so happy in his stay there."
”"Thank you for the loving care you have given Helen this past year. Thank all of you!"
”"I never dreamed that such an ideal environment existed right here - and that would include unconditional love, upbeat humor and teasing, and respectful, tender care."
”"My father lived at Casa Rhoda #3 for the last all-most two years of his life. This was by far the best Assisted Living care home of the four in which he lived in the last seven years of his life"
”"Thanks to Norma, Rhoda, Nida and their family at Casa Rhoda for the care and love they showered on Peg"
”"We hope that Casa Rhoda will continue to be the "bright ray of sunshine" that you are for all the lives you touch."
”"My mother has lived at Casa Rhoda for three years and she is always smiling when I visit her."
”"We chose Casa Rhoda after visiting at least ten other facilities in Santa Barbara. We have been grateful for the tremendous care she has been receiving from the healthy meals to the friendly and attentive caretakers. It is truly a special place."
”"Casa Rhoda family provides the best care and atmosphere that we have encountered in any care facility."
”"Our family has been blessed with your support. We wish you all God's blessings."
”"Thank you for all of the happiness and well-being you have brought to others."
”"I want to thank Casa Rhoda for taking such good care of my brother Reggie. You sure have made his stay pleasant and your kindness is a great asset to everyone."
”"The entire Demonteverde family (including cousins, aunts, and uncles) is devoted to the care of their residents."
”"Thank you so much for caring for my father during his last 1 1/2 yrs. He was truly blessed to have been guided divinely to you."
”"They have taken excellent care of my mother in every aspect of her care and treat her in a dignified, warm, and loving manner. It is because of this overall high level of caretaking that I would recommend Casa Rhoda board and care to anyone looking to ease their mind on which facility to place their loved ones."